原文作者: web_surf@163.com
發表日期: 2010-06-18 09:42
原文來源: https://bbs.et8.net/bbs/showthread.php?t=616987
1.Export Library
* Prepare source code
- Create an Android project
- Create source code, and fix all bug
- Remove res/*
- Remove unused source files
- Edit AndroidManifest.xml to remove the statements that referes to resource, such as android:icon="@drwable/icon", android:label="@string/app_name"* Export library
- On Package Explorer Panel of Eclipse, right-click the project, and select Export
- Select Jave -> JAR file, then press "Next". At this time a dialog pops up.
- On the right panel of "Select the resources to export:" group, unselect all items (such as .classpath, .project, AndroidManifest.xlm, default.properties), then press "Next"
Press "Next"
Press "Finish"
Then the library is created.
(Reference: Eclipse export jar files http://hi.baidu.com/etrigger/blog/item/e1fed134468b2fb2d0a2d3ad.html)
* xxx
2.Import Library
You can use a third party JAR in your application by adding it to your Eclipse project as follows:
- In the Package Explorer panel, right-click on your project and select Properties.
- Select Java Build Path, then the tab Libraries.
- Press the Add External JARs... button and select the JAR file
Alternatively, if you want to include third party JARs with your package, create a new directory for them within your project and select Add Library... instead.
It is not necessary to put external JARs in the assets folder.
(Reference: http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/android/kb/commontasks.html)
簡單的作法是靠Eclipse的Project->Export, 僅選取src的部份, 匯出即可
Import還是靠Eclipse的Project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add External JARs即可