2018年3月22日 星期四

[AI] Dialogflow

喔,hackmd 實在是太不穩了,常常會連不上 QQ,只好在這邊做紀錄

Day16[Line ChatBot]Dialogflow介紹 ==> 中文可是長的不一樣

dialogflow教學 ==> 最新可是長的不一樣

谈 Bot Framework 中的上下文(Contexts)设计 ==> 寫得很完整,可是還沒時間看 QQ

聊天機器人教學:使用Dialogflow (API.AI)開發 iOS Chatbot App ==> 英文幫助不大

  • Invocation: It is similar to saying hello to a friend
  • Intents: Intents include elements and logic to parse user’s information. This maps what the user says with response. Intents have several components: contexts, user says, events, action, and response.
  • User says: Different variations of how the same question can be asked by a user. The more variation is added, the better agent can understand
  • Entities: These are the knowledge repository that the agent would use to answer the user’s question. There are a variety of entities: system entities to include information about time etc, weather/location entities etc.
  • Fulfillment Request: Dialogflow sends the request to fetch data needed. (sent to webhook) Webhook determines how it would like to respond and send back to dialog.
  • Response: The backend system including webhook, entities, intents, user says, etc would produce a set of response
  • Context: Contexts are used to store parameter values for different types of intent. Contexts can be used to repair broken conversation or to branch conversations.
reference: https://chatbotslife.com/getting-started-with-dialogflow-and-building-my-first-bot-newbies-guide-d025d4eed3b2
